TTA refurbishment completion at Walt Disney World pushed back until after Christmas

TTA refurbishment completion at Walt Disney World pushed back until after Christmas

Back in the beginning of March, the Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover went down due to an unknown issue. It had some issues in the past, but this time was different. When Walt Disney World shut down in the middle of March due to the coronavirus pandemic, the TTA had yet to return to service.

As the Magic Kingdom began its phased reopening in July the TTA did not reopen. It was rumored that Disney was going to finally make some needed repairs. Eventually Disney moved the TTA on to the refurbishment list.

It is believed that the TTA was receiving a full replacement of all of the magnetic linear induction motors [629 in total] along the 5,400′ track. According to Jack Kendell, vlogger at DSNY Newscast the parts may not be readily available because they have to be custom-made. Additionally, it appears that structural work and possible roofing work are also being done on this fan favorite attraction.

Walt Disney World website/screenshot

Back in September Disney had planned for the PeopleMover refurbishment to be completed by mid-November, however it appears that date has now been pushed back until December 26. As of now, December 27 is the first day the TTA is scheduled to be back in service.

When the Magic Kingdom reopened on July 11, the Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover did not reopen with the park.

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